Garage Find
I live in an old house and on the weeekend, I went into the garage to move some stuff out of there, the man who previously owned the house had died and left all his old "stuff" in there, amongst this stuff, I found this cute little table, I opened up the top and to my surprise it was a sewing table!
Excited, I asked the neighbour to help me carry it upstairs, I gave it a wipe down, now all it needs are new little handles and I'll either paint it or stain it. In the meantime it's acting as a table to chuck the post and keys onto, the bird key hanger above it keeps falling off the wall.
Great find! I used to live in a house that had a locked room full of stuff - eventually we broke in and found a cupboard full of porcelain dolls the landlord had forgotten about. He didn't let us keep them, though.